Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

99 of 99 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Ancient History Child, Emily
2 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Ancient History McKinnon, Patrick
3 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Ancient History Parrish, James
4 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Ancient History Smit, Amelia
5 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology Brell, Nadiya
6 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology Ly, Monica
7 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology Marsh, Scott
8 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology McCorkindale, Aiden
9 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology Nicholls, Kirralea
10 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Biology Smit, Amelia
11 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Services Examination Pearson, Melanie
12 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Ash, Oliver
13 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Borchardt, David
14 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Clarke, Adam
15 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Clarke, Rebecca
16 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Ly, Monica
17 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Patterson, Katie-Louise
18 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Business Studies Pearson, Melanie
19 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Chemistry Hipsley, Stuart
20 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Chemistry McCorkindale, Aiden
21 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Chemistry Stanham, York
22 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Design and Technology Sunderland, Steven
23 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Earth and Environmental Science Bennett, Larissa
24 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Earth and Environmental Science Clarke, Adam
25 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Earth and Environmental Science Feldtmann, Anerike
26 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Economics Hipsley, Stuart
27 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Economics Long, Claire
28 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Economics Ly, Monica
29 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Child, Emily
30 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Cross, Rebecca
31 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Long, Claire
32 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Marsh, Scott
33 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) McKinnon, Patrick
34 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Nicholls, Kirralea
35 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Smit, Amelia
36 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Steele, Jessica
37 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Adams, Emily
38 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Child, Emily
39 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Cross, Rebecca
40 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Marsh, Scott
41 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 McKinnon, Patrick
42 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Steele, Jessica
43 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 Adams, Emily
44 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 Child, Emily
45 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 Cross, Rebecca
46 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 McKinnon, Patrick
47 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 Steele, Jessica
48 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong French Continuers Cross, Rebecca
49 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics Smit, Amelia
50 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics Wallace, Eamonn
51 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography Lewis, Christopher
52 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography McKinnon, Patrick
53 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography McLaren, Joshua
54 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography Parrish, James
55 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography Patterson, Katie-Louise
56 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography Wenzel, Jonathan David Paul
57 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong History Extension Rekouniotis, Corinne
58 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong History Extension Smit, Amelia
59 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Kent, Stephen
60 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Sotiros, Andrew
61 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Swan, Timothy
62 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Information Processes and Technology Kent, Stephen
63 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Bussoletti, Timothy
64 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Ly, Monica
65 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Meaney, Patrick
66 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Wise, Cameron
67 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Yau, Dino
68 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Boddeus-Heinlein, Sye
69 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Brell, Nadiya
70 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Cross, Rebecca
71 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Hipsley, Stuart
72 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Ly, Monica
73 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Meaney, Patrick
74 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Morrell, Benjamin (Ben)
75 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Stanham, York
76 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 2 Morrell, Benjamin (Ben)
77 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Modern History Nicholls, Kirralea
78 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 Bussoletti, Timothy
79 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 Roberts, Anna
80 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Aitcheson, Mitchell
81 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Bortolazzo, Lauren
82 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Child, Emily
83 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Hoban, Christopher
84 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Howes, Amy
85 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Roland, Jana
86 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Tieu, Minh Tam (Tammy)
87 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Aitcheson, Mitchell
88 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Blasi, Alexandra
89 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Bortolazzo, Lauren
90 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Howes, Amy
91 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Roland, Jana
92 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Steele, Jessica
93 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Cross, Rebecca
94 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Hipsley, Stuart
95 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Meaney, Patrick
96 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Morrell, Benjamin (Ben)
97 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Stanham, York
98 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Visual Arts Hall, Sophie
99 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Visual Arts McKinnon, Patrick
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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