This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
1 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Brennan, Amelia |
2 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Bugden, Penny |
3 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Kooyman, Milena |
4 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Lee, Yeji |
5 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Razzouk, Danielle |
6 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Scro, Laura Onofria |
7 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Ancient History | Wong, Lok Yan Ella |
8 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Armenian Continuers | Jelenkerian, Lara |
9 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Armenian Continuers | Kaprielian, Garineh |
10 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Biology | Cheng, Ann Hsiu-An |
11 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Biology | Gray, Nicola Rachel |
12 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Biology | Tchaprazian, Tina Alexandra |
13 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Chinese Background Speakers | Chen, Ai Ying Irene |
14 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Economics | Tchaprazian, Tina Alexandra |
15 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Brennan, Amelia |
16 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Garner, Kate Elizabeth |
17 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Gray, Nicola Rachel |
18 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Greyling, Rochelle Sinead |
19 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Jelenkerian, Lara |
20 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Lee, Yeji |
21 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Maiolo, Antonia Daniella |
22 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Nelson, Melissa |
23 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Paulin, Tamara Emily |
24 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Rhode, Michaela Alice |
25 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Skaltsounis, Marissa |
26 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Sung, Jennifer Yaewon |
27 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | Tchaprazian, Tina Alexandra |
28 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | White, Emma Jane |
29 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English Extension 1 | Garner, Kate Elizabeth |
30 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English Extension 1 | Kooyman, Milena |
31 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | English Extension 1 | White, Emma Jane |
32 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | Nalbandian, Lisa Araxi |
33 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | O'Hanlon, Clancy Alanna |
34 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Garner, Kate Elizabeth |
35 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Kooyman, Milena |
36 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Nelson, Melissa |
37 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Paulin, Tamara Emily |
38 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Rhode, Michaela Alice |
39 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | Scro, Laura Onofria |
40 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | History Extension | White, Emma Jane |
41 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Information Technology Examination | De Borja, Diana |
42 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | Brennan, Amelia |
43 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | Bugden, Penny |
44 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | Jelenkerian, Lara |
45 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | Nelson, Melissa |
46 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | Sung, Jennifer Yaewon |
47 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | White, Emma Jane |
48 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Mathematics | Chen, Ai Ying Irene |
49 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Mathematics | Cheng, Ann Hsiu-An |
50 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Modern History | Nelson, Melissa |
51 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Modern History | Rhode, Michaela Alice |
52 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Modern History | White, Emma Jane |
53 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Gray, Nicola Rachel |
54 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Society and Culture | Garner, Kate Elizabeth |
55 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Society and Culture | Nalbandian, Lisa Araxi |
56 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Bugden, Penny |
57 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Egulian, Natasha |
58 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Gray, Nicola Rachel |
59 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Jelenkerian, Lara |
60 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Kooyman, Milena |
61 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Lee, Yeji |
62 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Maiolo, Antonia Daniella |
63 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Nalbandian, Lisa Araxi |
64 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Nelson, Melissa |
65 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Rhode, Michaela Alice |
66 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Scro, Laura Onofria |
67 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Sung, Jennifer Yaewon |
68 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | Wong, Lok Yan Ella |
69 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion II | Brennan, Amelia |
70 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion II | Garner, Kate Elizabeth |
71 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion II | Paulin, Tamara Emily |
72 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion II | Tchaprazian, Tina Alexandra |
73 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion II | White, Emma Jane |
74 | Mercy Catholic College | Chatswood | Visual Arts | Gray, Nicola Rachel |