Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2007

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2007.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 2744 entries are shown.
1401 - 1600
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1401 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Markovic, Marko
1402 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics McLean, Allan Joseph
1403 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Morrison, Samuel Nicholas
1404 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Naltchayan, James Samuel
1405 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Oo, Alex Aung
1406 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Park, Soo Young Joshua
1407 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Prasad, Aditya Tadipatri
1408 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Rianto, David Nicholas
1409 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Robson, Edward Nguyen
1410 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Sarode, Hamish Sanjay
1411 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Savery, Richard James
1412 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Semfel, Alexander
1413 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Sew Hoy, Alastair Charles
1414 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Solo, Alexander Vinay
1415 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tewari, Amit
1416 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Than, John
1417 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Verma, Akshay
1418 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Yeung, Arthur Shu Hon
1419 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Yuan, Lin
1420 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Zhang, William
1421 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Adikari, Dona Hiruni Niyomalee
1422 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Ahmed, Sabrina
1423 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Alam, Lyvia Finani
1424 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Amarasekara, Mihiri Udeshika
1425 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Au, Jacqueline Carmen
1426 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Cai, Sophia Chenxin
1427 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chan, Roxane Wing-Sum
1428 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chang, Yvonne Ye Fen
1429 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chen, Amy
1430 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chen, Frances Cen
1431 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chen, Sherry
1432 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Cheng, Huixin Shirley
1433 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Cheung, Beginia Oi Yun
1434 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Cheung, Priscilla Chingsum
1435 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chew, Stephanie
1436 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chirculescu, Alice Monica
1437 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Choi, Rachel Koeun
1438 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Chow, Jessica Jing-Si
1439 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Ding, Mercie Chung Man
1440 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Evans, Rebecca Ann
1441 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Feng, Yue
1442 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics He, Jiabei
1443 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Hong, Min Hye
1444 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Huang, Jing Xuan
1445 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Hwu, Jennifer
1446 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Kim, Hyun Ji
1447 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lai, Jacinta
1448 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lam, Mona Man Ying
1449 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Langford, Clare Louise
1450 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lau, Sung Hei Charlotte
1451 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lee, Gabrielle Ruth Wei-Lin
1452 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Leung, Evangeline
1453 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lin, Mei Ning
1454 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lodkina, Alena
1455 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Lu, Shirley Xueli
1456 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Luo, Luming
1457 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Matthews, Sibella Nellie
1458 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Maxwell, Stephanie
1459 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Ngai, Wan Kar Fiona
1460 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Nguyen, Ngoc Hien
1461 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Pak, Vanessa Pui Yee
1462 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Park, Jae Hee
1463 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Park, Jae-Hee
1464 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Qiu, Lisa Fang
1465 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Simkin, Maria
1466 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Sparks, Georgia
1467 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Sridharan, Vasudha
1468 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Sundaram, Kasthuri
1469 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Suo, Paulina Min Ok
1470 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tan, Janet Frances
1471 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tang, Joan
1472 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tang, Joy Qiao Yi
1473 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tangvisethpat, Nathania
1474 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Tjokrowidjaja, Jane
1475 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics To, Alice Wan Chi
1476 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Wang, Jessie Jing
1477 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Watson, Stella Ruth
1478 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Wilton, Annabel Davina
1479 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Yip, Amelia Yee Yan
1480 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Zhu, Juliana
1481 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Maack, Montessa Sweethart
1482 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Armstrong-Kempter, Shannon
1483 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Bell, Mitchell Sam
1484 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Beyer, Elizabeth Rose
1485 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Biddle, Naomi Ruth
1486 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Brown, Rebecca Jane
1487 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Bruncke, Da Hyun - Diana
1488 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Bur, Tatiana
1489 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Chen, Shuo
1490 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Corr, Timothy Michael
1491 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Earl, Lucas David
1492 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Easey, Scott Jarrad
1493 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Farmer, Lauren Emily
1494 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Foy, Michael
1495 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Groen, Keylie
1496 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Guo, Feng
1497 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Hayman, Elizabeth Kathleen
1498 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Hosking, Thomas Andrew
1499 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Huang, Ivy
1500 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Lam, Samuel Sing Him
1501 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Leung, Mike Shiu Ming
1502 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Levin, Evgeniy
1503 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Mackay, Samuel James Paris
1504 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Marwick, Jonathan Hugh
1505 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics McMahon, Keegan Lesley
1506 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Moore, Letitia
1507 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Naghiloo, Yasaman
1508 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Navidi, Nadeem
1509 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Nikolov, Boris
1510 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Nizeti, Joseph Timothy
1511 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Noonan, Daniel Phillip John
1512 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Richardson-Sanchez, Tomas Simon
1513 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Sentinella, Alexander Tomas
1514 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Steiber, Mia Jessica
1515 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Townsend, Rory George
1516 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Truong, Hung
1517 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Wang, Richard
1518 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Webster, Michael William
1519 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Woerde, Stephanie Ann
1520 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Wright, Thomas
1521 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Xu, Mimi Sheng
1522 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Zhang, Mian
1523 Northern Sydney Institute Bradfield College St Leonards Mathematics Ball, Harrison
1524 Northern Sydney Institute Hornsby College Hornsby Mathematics Wong, Eric
1525 Northholm Grammar School Arcadia Mathematics Lumsden, Angus
1526 Northholm Grammar School Arcadia Mathematics Shaw, Michael
1527 Nowra Anglican College Bomaderry Mathematics Forrest, Morgan
1528 Nowra Anglican College Bomaderry Mathematics Wales, Joshua
1529 Nowra Anglican College Bomaderry Mathematics Wilcox, Kate
1530 Nowra High School Nowra Mathematics Fisher, Angus Hume McLean
1531 Nowra High School Nowra Mathematics Hanson, Barron Kel
1532 Nowra High School Nowra Mathematics Lawrence, Jude Nicholson
1533 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Abood, Gerard
1534 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Arena, Mark
1535 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Bell, Mark
1536 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Chahine, Michael
1537 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Chaney, Joshua
1538 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Chunara, Akmal
1539 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Dowd, Nicholas
1540 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Ekehov, Jonathan
1541 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Frez, Gian
1542 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Goonan, Catherine
1543 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Haddad, James
1544 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Ho, Jonathan
1545 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Jack, Rhys
1546 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Karjadi, Daniel
1547 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Khan, Haroon
1548 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Lang, Christopher
1549 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Lyu, Marcellinus
1550 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Mittiga, Paul
1551 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Naylor, Thomas
1552 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Odell, Kelli
1553 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Pritchard, Sean
1554 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Rahme, Raany
1555 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Sainsbury, Emma Maree
1556 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Sarmiento, Marsha Katrina
1557 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Schad, Mark
1558 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Sidler, Chad
1559 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Villanueva, Jeremy
1560 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Villanueva, Patrick
1561 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Wakeford, Mitchell
1562 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Waters, Mitchell
1563 Orange High School Orange Mathematics Hazzard, Samuel
1564 Orange High School Orange Mathematics Jones, Robert
1565 Orange High School Orange Mathematics Mealings, Kiri
1566 Orange High School Orange Mathematics Milham, Nathan
1567 Orange High School Orange Mathematics Thorn, Daniel
1568 Our Lady of Lebanon College Harris Park Mathematics Khoury, Amanuel
1569 Our Lady of Lebanon College Harris Park Mathematics Yammine, Paty
1570 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Parramatta Mathematics Belluccini, Erica
1571 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Parramatta Mathematics Rodricks, Enjoli
1572 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Lee, Estelle
1573 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Brennan, Nicholas Sean
1574 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Pickering, Olivia
1575 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Pockett, Ryan William
1576 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Davis, Amy
1577 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Bates, Sam
1578 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Fox, Brendan
1579 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Godden, Emma
1580 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Killen, Elizabeth
1581 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Lalor, Justin
1582 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Massey, Anna
1583 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Pepperell, Edward
1584 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Price, Trent
1585 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics White, Eleanor
1586 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Willing, Ross
1587 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Blamey, Susan Elizabeth
1588 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Merrick, James Andrew
1589 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Morgan, Stephen Paul
1590 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Nasrallah, Nathaniel Aaron
1591 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Stephenson, Hayden Thomas
1592 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Cao, Giang Toni
1593 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Eng, Eric Lay Hor
1594 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Luc, Daniel
1595 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Luong, Jimmy
1596 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Pham, Hoang Duy Thinh
1597 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Pham, Malinda
1598 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Sau, Jessica
1599 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Tran, Geoffrey
1600 Pal College Cabramatta Mathematics Tran, Kevin
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2021
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