Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2007

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2007.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

36 of 86 entries are shown.
51 - 86
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Rows per page:
51 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Legal Studies Aslanian, Richard Serop
52 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Legal Studies Friedman, Jakob
53 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Legal Studies Gearside, Charlie Sturt
54 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Araoka, Shuichi
55 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Chung, Yu-Ri Laura
56 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Costin, John Leslie
57 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Huang, Chi-Sheng Johnny
58 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Imber, Laura Ellen
59 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Jung, Sun In
60 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Ng, Nigel
61 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Ok, Grace Ga Eun
62 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Chung, Yu-Ri Laura
63 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Gu, Quan Richard
64 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Huang, Chi-Sheng Johnny
65 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Imber, Laura Ellen
66 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 King, Sho Richard
67 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Kong, Tai Yoon Aiden
68 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Leung, Venice Wing Chun
69 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Lim, Tae Whan
70 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Victor
71 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Ok, Grace Ga Eun
72 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Gu, Quan Richard
73 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Kong, Tai Yoon Aiden
74 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Leung, Venice Wing Chun
75 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Lim, Tae Whan
76 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Lin, Victor
77 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 Evans, Thomas
78 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 Galloway, Thomas Luke
79 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 Imber, Laura Ellen
80 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 James, Matthew William
81 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 James, Peter Richard
82 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carter, Annabelle
83 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Evans, Stephanie Louise
84 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Senior Science Amer, Vanessa
85 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Senior Science Spraggon, Holly
86 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Textiles and Design Amer, Vanessa
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2021
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