HSC Honour Roll - All Student Awards and Prizes, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by Subject Name

This is the NSW HSC Honour Roll, listing every award or prize won by New South Wales HSC students in 2020, along with their school and subject details.

The report includes all Distinguished Achiever awards, All Rounder awards, and Subject Top Achiever awards (with rankings). First in Course awards are shown as Subject Top Achiever awards with a ranking of '1' i.e. first place.

The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.

50 of 241 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Christmas, Lily Alstonville High School Alstonville Textiles and Design DA  
2 Lopes, Charlotte Alstonville High School Alstonville Textiles and Design DA  
3 Worsley, Ava Arndell Anglican College Oakville Textiles and Design DA  
4 Donehue, Georgia Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
5 Friend, Luke Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
6 Malone, Eve Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
7 Marcu, Anna Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
8 Sims, Jasmine Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
9 Swarup, Riya Barker College Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
10 Finch, Kayla Bede Polding College South Windsor Textiles and Design DA  
11 Ball, Lara Bethany College Hurstville Textiles and Design DA  
12 Hoy, Abbey Bethany College Hurstville Textiles and Design DA  
13 Chahrouk, Amira Birrong Girls High School Birrong Textiles and Design DA  
14 Ma, Janette Birrong Girls High School Birrong Textiles and Design DA  
15 Mohammad, Mariam Birrong Girls High School Birrong Textiles and Design DA  
16 Phan, Angela Birrong Girls High School Birrong Textiles and Design DA  
17 Bamford, Cassandra Judith Jean Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
18 Fahey, Sarah Anne Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
19 Kramer, Jennifer Rose Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
20 Lamont, Freya Marika Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
21 Mahagoda, Ninuri Blacktown Girls High School Blacktown Textiles and Design DA  
22 Timms, Esperance Blacktown Girls High School Blacktown Textiles and Design DA  
23 Viacrucis, Yari Marguerette Blacktown Girls High School Blacktown Textiles and Design DA  
24 Bozgai, Chloe Blaxland High School Blaxland Textiles and Design DA  
25 Clune, Melody Blaxland High School Blaxland Textiles and Design DA  
26 Colless, Emma Blaxland High School Blaxland Textiles and Design DA  
27 Colless, Lara Blaxland High School Blaxland Textiles and Design DA  
28 Baba, Cynthia Bossley Park High School Bossley Park Textiles and Design DA  
29 Pacini, Matilde Bossley Park High School Bossley Park Textiles and Design DA  
30 Gill, Caitlin Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
31 Higgs, Catriona Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
32 Keyser, Jessica Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
33 Pittioni, Zara Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
34 Ting, Keily Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
35 Hall, Malaika Broughton Anglican College Menangle Park Textiles and Design DA  
36 Stewart, Beth Lily Burwood Girls High School Croydon Textiles and Design DA  
37 Stokoe, Scarlett Coco-Anne Burwood Girls High School Croydon Textiles and Design DA  
38 Cant, Ruth Calrossy Anglican School Tamworth Textiles and Design DA  
39 Friis, Liesl Castle Hill High School Castle Hill Textiles and Design DA  
40 Leonardo, Mia Alannah Catherine McAuley Westmead Westmead Textiles and Design DA  
41 Sambat, Shenna Maree Catherine McAuley Westmead Westmead Textiles and Design DA  
42 Valore, Gisella Li Catherine McAuley Westmead Westmead Textiles and Design DA  
43 Gibbons, Eliza Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Textiles and Design DA  
44 Honor, Elizabeth Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Textiles and Design DA  
45 Jeong, Hannah Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Textiles and Design DA  
46 Tighe, Laura Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Textiles and Design DA  
47 Leong, Kaye Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Textiles and Design DA  
48 Sherlock, Amy Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Textiles and Design DA  
49 Gorial, Miriam Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Textiles and Design DA  
50 Nasso, Isabella Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Textiles and Design DA  
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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