HSC Honour Roll - All Student Awards and Prizes, New South Wales, 2017

Filtered by Subject Name

This is the NSW HSC Honour Roll, listing every award or prize won by New South Wales HSC students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

The report includes all Distinguished Achiever awards, All Rounder awards, and Subject Top Achiever awards (with rankings). First in Course awards are shown as Subject Top Achiever awards with a ranking of '1' i.e. first place.

The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.

25 of 214 entries are shown.
1 - 25
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1 Adendorff, Micaela Magdelin Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
2 Ammitzboell, Helena Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design DA  
3 Azzopardi, Elizabeth Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Textiles and Design DA  
4 Bailey, Madelyn Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Textiles and Design DA  
5 Ball, Ashley Danebank An Anglican School for Girls Hurstville Textiles and Design DA  
6 Barbaresco, Amelia Elizabeth Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
7 Barnes, Erin Arndell Anglican College Oakville Textiles and Design DA  
8 Beaton, Hannah Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Textiles and Design DA  
9 Bedford, Charlotte Mae Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design DA  
10 Bernard, Lauren Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Textiles and Design DA  
11 Bird, Meaghan Stella Maris College Manly Textiles and Design DA  
12 Birrell, Rachel Barrenjoey High School Avalon Textiles and Design DA  
13 Blackwell, Sarah Louise Blaxland High School Blaxland Textiles and Design DA  
14 Bourke, Paige Chevalier College Burradoo Textiles and Design DA  
15 Brodie, Amelia Rose Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Textiles and Design DA  
16 Brosi, Bridget Maree Singleton High School Singleton Textiles and Design DA  
17 Brown, Kyah Hayley Davidson High School Frenchs Forest Textiles and Design DA  
18 Browne, Tess OConnor Catholic College Armidale Textiles and Design DA  
19 Buckland-Willis, Beatrice Rosebank College Five Dock Textiles and Design DA  
20 Buckley, Alice Clementine Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design DA  
21 Buggins, Ebony Cheyenne Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Textiles and Design DA  
22 Bunt, Ebony Shellharbour Anglican College Dunmore Textiles and Design DA  
23 Bunt, Georgia Shellharbour Anglican College Dunmore Textiles and Design DA  
24 Burgess, Jessica Molong Central School Molong Textiles and Design DA  
25 Burrell, Kate Ravenswood School for Girls Gordon Textiles and Design DA  
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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