HSC Honour Roll - All Student Awards and Prizes, New South Wales, 2012

Filtered by Subject Name

This is the NSW HSC Honour Roll, listing every award or prize won by New South Wales HSC students in 2012, along with their school and subject details.

The report includes all Distinguished Achiever awards, All Rounder awards, and Subject Top Achiever awards (with rankings). First in Course awards are shown as Subject Top Achiever awards with a ranking of '1' i.e. first place.

The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.

10 of 319 entries are shown.
151 - 160
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151 Liaros, Rania St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Textiles and Design DA  
152 Ligacs, Samantha Eloise Figtree High School Figtree Textiles and Design DA  
153 Lilly, Francesca Anand Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Textiles and Design DA  
154 Lin, Fionna Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Textiles and Design DA  
155 Lindqvist, Jemma Elise Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Textiles and Design DA  
156 Linsell, Caitlin Mater Dei Catholic College Wagga Wagga Textiles and Design DA  
157 Liu, Shirley Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Textiles and Design DA  
158 Liu, Xiao-Xi Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Textiles and Design DA  
159 Lopes, Melanie Bakis Domremy College Five Dock Textiles and Design DA  
160 Luo, Yen North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Textiles and Design DA  
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022
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