This is the NSW HSC Honour Roll, listing every award or prize won by New South Wales HSC students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.
The report includes all Distinguished Achiever awards, All Rounder awards, and Subject Top Achiever awards (with rankings). First in Course awards are shown as Subject Top Achiever awards with a ranking of '1' i.e. first place.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
1 | Abernethy, Sean Oliver | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
2 | Abernethy, Sean Oliver | St Pius X College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | DA | |
3 | Abernethy, Sean Oliver | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | DA | |
4 | Alderton, Thomas Miles | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Ancient History | DA | |
5 | Azzouni, Elias | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
6 | Batshon, Chad | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
7 | Batshon, Chad | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
8 | Birch, Michael Brendan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Biology | DA | |
9 | Birch, Michael Brendan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
10 | Birch, Michael Brendan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Geography | DA | |
11 | Birch, Michael Brendan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | DA | |
12 | Birch, Michael Brendan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
13 | Brain, James Daniel | St Pius X College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | DA | |
14 | Bury, Christopher John | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
15 | Bury, Christopher John | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | DA | |
16 | Buskariol, Daniel Thomas | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
17 | Buskariol, Daniel Thomas | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Senior Science | DA | |
18 | Carnaffan, Sean Philip | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | DA | |
19 | Carnaffan, Sean Philip | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
20 | Carnaffan, Sean Philip | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 2 | DA | |
21 | Carnaffan, Sean Philip | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Physics | DA | |
22 | Cho, Seung Hyeon | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
23 | Cho, Seung Hyeon | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
24 | Chong, Justin Robert | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
25 | Christian, Evan | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
26 | Cole, Joshua David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
27 | Cole, Joshua David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | DA | |
28 | Cole, Joshua David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Subject rank | 16 |
29 | Collins, Maxwell Thomas | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
30 | Coningham, Andrew Walter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | DA | |
31 | Cook, Alexander Stanser Bede | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Geography | DA | |
32 | Crimmins, Christopher David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Biology | DA | |
33 | Crimmins, Christopher David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
34 | Crimmins, Christopher David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English Extension 1 | DA | |
35 | Crimmins, Christopher David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Modern History | DA | |
36 | Crimmins, Christopher David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
37 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | All-rounder | ||
38 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Chemistry | DA | |
39 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
40 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
41 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 2 | DA | |
42 | Cristina, Ignazio Zachary | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Physics | DA | |
43 | Dolan, Luke Albert | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
44 | Dolan, Luke Albert | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | DA | |
45 | Fachkha, Joseph Anthony | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
46 | Fontana, Alexander Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
47 | Fontana, Alexander Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Italian Beginners | DA | |
48 | Fontana, Alexander Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
49 | Fontana, Alexander Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 2 | DA | |
50 | Fontana, Alexander Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
51 | Haddad, Benjamin Todd | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
52 | Hartas, Oliver Christoph David | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
53 | Henderson, Paul Scott Fyfe | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
54 | Henderson, Paul Scott Fyfe | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Geography | DA | |
55 | Henderson, Paul Scott Fyfe | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
56 | Hendricks, Pascal | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Chemistry | DA | |
57 | Hendricks, Pascal | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Physics | DA | |
58 | Huang, James | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
59 | Iemma, Andrew James | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
60 | Iemma, Andrew James | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
61 | Jelenkerian, Aram Alex | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
62 | Johnston, Conor Michael | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Ancient History | DA | |
63 | Johnston, Conor Michael | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
64 | Johnston, Conor Michael | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Economics | DA | |
65 | Johnston, Conor Michael | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
66 | Knight, Kyle Kenneth | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
67 | Lee, Felix Brian | St Pius X College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | DA | |
68 | Lowe, James Edward | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Ancient History | DA | |
69 | Lowe, James Edward | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
70 | Lowe, James Edward | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
71 | Maher, Joseph George | St Pius X College | Chatswood | General Mathematics | DA | |
72 | Maher, Joseph George | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
73 | McGregor, Jordan Stuart | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
74 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | All-rounder | ||
75 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Ancient History | DA | |
76 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Economics | DA | |
77 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
78 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English Extension 1 | DA | |
79 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | History Extension | DA | |
80 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
81 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | DA | |
82 | Olivieri, Nathan Domenic | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
83 | Polovineo, Marcus John | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
84 | Rego, Mark | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Ancient History | DA | |
85 | Rego, Mark | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
86 | Rego, Mark | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
87 | Richardson, Nicholas Joseph | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Legal Studies | DA | |
88 | Roach, Daniel Malcolm Nunes | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Business Studies | DA | |
89 | Roach, Daniel Malcolm Nunes | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
90 | Roach, Daniel Malcolm Nunes | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
91 | Robosa, Randell Symar | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Biology | DA | |
92 | Robosa, Randell Symar | St Pius X College | Chatswood | English (Advanced) | DA | |
93 | Robosa, Randell Symar | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Information Processes and Technology | DA | |
94 | Starnawski, Christopher | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Music 1 | DA | |
95 | Stevens, Nicholas Anthony | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
96 | Swan, Michael Peter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
97 | Swan, Michael Peter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Studies of Religion I | DA | |
98 | Swann, William Matthew Peter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Mathematics | DA | |
99 | Swann, William Matthew Peter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Physics | DA | |
100 | Swann, William Matthew Peter | St Pius X College | Chatswood | Visual Arts | DA |