Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

25 of 125 entries are shown.
101 - 125
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101 MLC School Burwood Music Extension McClelland, Veronikah Sophie
102 MLC School Burwood Music Extension Ryner, Emily
103 MLC School Burwood Music Extension Xu, Joy
104 MLC School Burwood Music Extension Yan, Xu Marie
105 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Coman, Amelie Alicia
106 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dummett, Lillian Amy
107 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fresta, Sienna
108 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Healey, Sarah Margaret
109 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hunt, Emily Hanife Prudence
110 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ince, Ruby Lee
111 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Machin, Philippa Lucy Kay
112 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Moller, Sarah Amy
113 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tucker, Samara Judith
114 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Woolbank, Ella Blaire
115 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Yarrow, Amy
116 MLC School Burwood Science Extension Abal, Veronica Madisson
117 MLC School Burwood Studies of Religion I Dummett, Lillian Amy
118 MLC School Burwood Studies of Religion II Hunt, Emily Hanife Prudence
119 MLC School Burwood Studies of Religion II Tucker, Samara Judith
120 MLC School Burwood Textiles and Design Coman, Amelie Alicia
121 MLC School Burwood Textiles and Design Wright, Eva Gabrielle
122 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Cullen, Airlie
123 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Dejanovic, Sarah
124 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Novati, Mia Rose
125 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Wright, Eva Gabrielle
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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