Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 366 entries are shown.
101 - 150
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101 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Design and Technology Holdik, Elisa
102 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Design and Technology Maier, Mona
103 Great Lakes College Tuncurry Senior Campus Tuncurry Design and Technology Dalton, Kaitlin Rose
104 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Design and Technology Berry, William Matthew
105 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Design and Technology Duignan-Teys, Brayden Lindsay
106 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Design and Technology McMellon, Christopher Adam
107 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Design and Technology Redgrove, Vincent Jack
108 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Design and Technology Thomas, Daniel Scott
109 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Design and Technology Cook, Madison
110 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Bayutti, Mia Jane
111 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Belnick, Ruby Francis
112 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Coudounaris, Katerina
113 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Johnston, Claudia Rose
114 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology McCann, Michelena Esme
115 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Rowan, Jemanie Alexandra Elsum
116 Kambala Rose Bay Design and Technology Shore, Stephanie Frances
117 Kildare Catholic College Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Quinn, Thomas
118 Killara High School Killara Design and Technology Nagi, Rhea Kaur
119 Killara High School Killara Design and Technology Spicer, Adelaide Comfort
120 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Allen, Daniel Taylor
121 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Betty, Bradley Alan
122 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Bourn, Bailey James
123 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Chestney, Scott Vincent
124 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Dovell, Fraser Alfred
125 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Green, Jackson Richard
126 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Hebron, Ryan Alexander
127 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Lindberg, Marc
128 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology Morris, Zachary Keenan
129 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Design and Technology Gamma, Declan James
130 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Davidson, Annie Elizabeth
131 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Jokovic, Bianca Frances
132 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Junee, Georgie Emma
133 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Lindsay, Michelle Frances
134 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Loneragan, Juliet Jennifer
135 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Martin, Eugenia Madeline
136 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Mellino, Sophia Angela
137 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Design and Technology Zurowski, Eleanor Catherine
138 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Campbell, Madison
139 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Close, Natalie
140 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology D'Annunzio, Katrina
141 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Delorie, Shannon
142 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Hatton, Madeleine
143 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Hertz, Rachel Anne Marie
144 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Liwanag, Monique
145 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Mao, Alice
146 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Sherwood, Isobel
147 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Sobanski, Jessica
148 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Surace, Tala
149 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Wainwright, Lara
150 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Design and Technology Wright, Jessica
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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