Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34718 entries are shown.
151 - 350
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151 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga General Mathematics Merewether, Sarah Ann
152 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga General Mathematics Pasternatsky, Larissa
153 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga General Mathematics Stokes, Hester Alice
154 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga General Mathematics Westall, Madison Rose
155 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga General Mathematics Woolley, Eliane Louise
156 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Adcock, Rachel Belinda
157 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Anderson, Caitlin Isabel
158 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Archer, Emily Ann
159 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Armitage, Sophie Alexandra
160 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Athwal, Khushdeep Kaur
161 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Banks, Amelia Louise
162 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Dunlop, Georgia Kitty
163 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Hegarty, Vanessa Alice
164 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Ho, Gabrielle Wen-Xing
165 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Jacob, Rachael
166 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Lau, Selina Wing Har
167 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Linton-Smith, Candice Lucille
168 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Lorimer, Sarah Barbara
169 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Meares, Erica Rose-Marie
170 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Pearson, Emily Elizabeth
171 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Pelham, Claire Elise
172 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Reid, Edwina Janice
173 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Roberts, Penelope Susan
174 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Rutledge, Alexandra Alison
175 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Sombroek, Freya Wilhelmina
176 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Timmins, Gabrielle Paris
177 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Westall, Madison Rose
178 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Wightman, Elizabeth Louise Izolde
179 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Geography Wood, Hannah Rachel
180 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga German Continuers Hedberg, Isabel Jane
181 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga German Continuers Rickard, Sarah Nadine
182 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga History Extension Cameron, Laura Katherine
183 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga History Extension Hedberg, Sarah Elizabeth
184 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga History Extension Stokes, Hester Alice
185 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Information Processes and Technology Westall, Madison Rose
186 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Latin Continuers Cooper, Naomi Susan
187 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Athwal, Khushdeep Kaur
188 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Belyea, Samantha Barbara
189 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Berry, Juliet Emma
190 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Cooper, Naomi Susan
191 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Fordham, Ashleigh Morgan
192 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Jacob, Rachael
193 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Statz, Maike Marianne Isabel
194 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Tirtabudi, Michelle Elizabeth
195 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Athwal, Khushdeep Kaur
196 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Au, Lilian Lai Ling
197 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Belyea, Samantha Barbara
198 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Cameron, Laura Katherine
199 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Cooper, Naomi Susan
200 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Foo, Nicole Jeltes Hui Yen
201 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Hedberg, Sarah Elizabeth
202 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Ling, Kara Emily
203 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Ma, Michelle Wen Bo
204 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Martin, Erin Elizabeth
205 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Shaw, Jessica Daisy
206 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Stewart, Anna Louise Dunlop
207 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Ting, Joanne
208 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Ung, Natalie Valerie
209 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 1 Vo-Phuoc, Kirsten Anne
210 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Au, Lilian Lai Ling
211 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Foo, Nicole Jeltes Hui Yen
212 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Ling, Kara Emily
213 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Ma, Michelle Wen Bo
214 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Martin, Erin Elizabeth
215 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Ting, Joanne
216 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Vo-Phuoc, Kirsten Anne
217 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Armitage, Sophie Alexandra
218 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Cameron, Laura Katherine
219 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Chevalley, Domonique Danielle
220 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Christie, Anna Grace
221 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Davis, Alexandra Claire
222 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Hedberg, Sarah Elizabeth
223 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Martin, Erin Elizabeth
224 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Rickard, Sarah Nadine
225 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Rutledge, Alexandra Alison
226 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Stokes, Hester Alice
227 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Sword, Satomi
228 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Modern History Wilmott, Jacqueline Grace
229 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 1 Grist, Imogen Doone
230 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 1 Jackson, Elizabeth Daisy
231 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 1 Samuels, Edwina
232 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 2 Brown, Rebecca Anne
233 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 2 Chan, Noni Long
234 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 2 Linton-Smith, Candice Lucille
235 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 2 Pini, Elena Anne
236 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music 2 Thampapillai, Rachel Dharshini
237 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music Extension Chan, Noni Long
238 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music Extension Linton-Smith, Candice Lucille
239 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Music Extension Pini, Elena Anne
240 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Allan, Claire Margaret
241 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Andersen, Katrina Margaret Tink
242 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ayling, Samantha Kate
243 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Christie, Anna Grace
244 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Foo, Nicole Jeltes Hui Yen
245 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fuller, Sarah Elizabeth
246 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Groch, Taissa Irene
247 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hamilton, Sophie Elizabeth
248 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hegarty, Vanessa Alice
249 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Henderson-Smith, Annabel Kate
250 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Holt, Emma Florence
251 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lombard, Megan
252 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Martin, Erin Elizabeth
253 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Merewether, Sarah Ann
254 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pasternatsky, Larissa
255 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Purtle, Kate Louise
256 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Reid, Edwina Janice
257 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rickard, Sarah Nadine
258 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tooth, Alexandra Jane
259 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Physics Ling, Kara Emily
260 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Physics Ting, Joanne
261 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Bretherton, Alexandra Louise
262 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Briggs, Hannah Jayne
263 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Campbell, Louise Patricia
264 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Chew Lee, Madeline Siu
265 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Hemingway, Katherine Anna
266 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Jackson, Elizabeth Daisy
267 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science King, Alice Winter
268 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Pearson, Emily Elizabeth
269 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Senior Science Woolley, Eliane Louise
270 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Au, Lilian Lai Ling
271 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Brown, Rebecca Anne
272 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Bryan, Kayla Heather
273 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Chevalley, Domonique Danielle
274 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Krslovic, Natalia Elizabeth
275 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Pini, Elena Anne
276 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Allan, Claire Margaret
277 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Andersen, Elizabeth Elna Tink
278 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Andersen, Katrina Margaret Tink
279 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Berry, Juliet Emma
280 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Grist, Imogen Doone
281 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Hamilton, Sophie Elizabeth
282 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Ho, Gabrielle Wen-Xing
283 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Lau, Selina Wing Har
284 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Lorimer, Sarah Barbara
285 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Merewether, Sarah Ann
286 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Riley, Sara Elizabeth
287 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Tierney, Annemieke Madelaine
288 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Visual Arts Wileman, Karina Louise
289 Al Amanah College Liverpool General Mathematics Mohamadein, Nevine
290 Al Amanah College Liverpool Mathematics Abou Al Charaf, Sami
291 Al Amanah College Liverpool Mathematics Extension 1 Ali Parappil, Raniya
292 Al-Faisal College Auburn Biology Al Modhefer, Zainab
293 Al-Faisal College Auburn Biology Jaffer, Sara
294 Al-Faisal College Auburn Business Studies Jaffer, Sara
295 Al-Faisal College Auburn Information Processes and Technology Alameddine, Soha
296 Al-Faisal College Auburn Mathematics Jaffer, Sara
297 Al-Faisal College Auburn Senior Science Al Modhefer, Zainab
298 Al-Faisal College Auburn Senior Science Jaffer, Sara
299 Albion Park High School Albion Park Biology Kawalla, Reece Thomas
300 Albion Park High School Albion Park Biology Schouten, Cailin Marie
301 Albion Park High School Albion Park Hospitality Examination Cracknell, Erin Louise
302 Albion Park High School Albion Park Information Processes and Technology Robinson, Brent Peter
303 Albion Park High School Albion Park Information Technology Examination Robinson, Brent Peter
304 Albury High School Albury Automotive Examination Miles, Samuel Robert
305 Albury High School Albury Biology Crowe, Alexander Carlos
306 Albury High School Albury Biology Cumming, Benjamin David
307 Albury High School Albury Biology Pirani, Sarah Jane
308 Albury High School Albury Biology Wiltshire, Stephanie Farrah
309 Albury High School Albury Business Studies Dowding, Blair
310 Albury High School Albury Business Studies Volkers, Jordan
311 Albury High School Albury Chemistry Rowe, Brodie Kate
312 Albury High School Albury Design and Technology Fletcher, Luke Thomas
313 Albury High School Albury Design and Technology Polson, Thomas Gundish
314 Albury High School Albury Design and Technology Speed, Mitchell Luke
315 Albury High School Albury Earth and Environmental Science White, Jane Andrea
316 Albury High School Albury Engineering Studies Banbrook, Rhys Howard
317 Albury High School Albury Engineering Studies Mudie, John Matthew
318 Albury High School Albury Engineering Studies Polson, Thomas Gundish
319 Albury High School Albury English (Advanced) Cumming, Benjamin David
320 Albury High School Albury English (Advanced) Rowe, Brodie Kate
321 Albury High School Albury Food Technology Amer, Victoria Lynn
322 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics Davidson, Jemma Elizabeth
323 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics Jackson, Patrick John
324 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics O'Donnell, Emma Louise
325 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics Ryan, Jessamy Anne
326 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics Weatherlake, Linda
327 Albury High School Albury General Mathematics White, Jane Andrea
328 Albury High School Albury Geography Buckley, Jack Edward
329 Albury High School Albury Geography Cumming, Benjamin David
330 Albury High School Albury Information Processes and Technology Everitt, Patrick James
331 Albury High School Albury Legal Studies Buckley, Jack Edward
332 Albury High School Albury Legal Studies McDiarmid, Angus James
333 Albury High School Albury Legal Studies Willis, Justine Maria
334 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Banbrook, Rhys Howard
335 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Cumming, Benjamin David
336 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Ellis, William Mark Mortimer
337 Albury High School Albury Mathematics McNeil, Dylan Mitchell
338 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Mudie, John Matthew
339 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Polson, Thomas Gundish
340 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Rowe, Brodie Kate
341 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Ellis, William Mark Mortimer
342 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Everitt, Patrick James
343 Albury High School Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Rowe, Brodie Kate
344 Albury High School Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ellwood, Laura Kate
345 Albury High School Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rowe, Brodie Kate
346 Albury High School Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Sewell, Ryan Matthew
347 Albury High School Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Willis, Justine Maria
348 Albury High School Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wiltshire, Stephanie Farrah
349 Albury High School Albury Physics Ellis, William Mark Mortimer
350 Albury High School Albury Physics Everitt, Patrick James
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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