Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34282 entries are shown.
20850 - 21049
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20850 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield English (Advanced) Tatian, Artiene Hagob John
20851 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield English Extension 1 Brescia, Nicholas
20852 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield English Extension 2 Tatian, Artiene Hagob John
20853 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield General Mathematics Compagnoni, Stefan Claudio
20854 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield General Mathematics Hermis, Simar
20855 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield General Mathematics Radic, Hayden Cole
20856 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Industrial Technology Jeloudev, Alex
20857 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Industrial Technology Olivieri, Nello Nicholas
20858 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Information Processes and Technology Pung, Eric
20859 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Italian Continuers Barbieri, Giuseppe
20860 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Legal Studies Brescia, Nicholas
20861 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Legal Studies Nguyen, Anthony Peter
20862 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Legal Studies Russo, Rosario Nicholas
20863 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Legal Studies Yousif, Aidin
20864 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Armota, Van
20865 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Aziz, Fadie
20866 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Brescia, Nicholas
20867 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics David, Joshua
20868 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Duong, Joseph Thien An
20869 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Hawa, Moussa
20870 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Huynh, Nathan
20871 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics King, Abraham Joseph
20872 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Ngo, Jimmy
20873 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Nguyen, Benjamin
20874 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Nguyen, David Chi Duc
20875 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Nguyen, Paul An
20876 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Truong, Brian Vinh Loc
20877 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Ciarliero, Daniel
20878 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Duong, Joseph Thien An
20879 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Ly, Truong
20880 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Ngo, Jimmy
20881 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Benjamin
20882 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Paul An
20883 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Michael
20884 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Mathematics Extension 2 Ciarliero, Daniel
20885 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Metal and Engineering Examination Dearing, Andrew James
20886 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Modern History Yousif, Aidin
20887 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Music 1 Ponnuswamy, Jason Cameron
20888 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Philosophy - Distinction Course Ciarliero, Daniel
20889 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Physics Ciarliero, Daniel
20890 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Physics Nguyen, Paul An
20891 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Physics Tran, Michael
20892 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Armota, Van
20893 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Brescia, Nicholas
20894 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Hermis, Simar
20895 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Inzitari, Dean Robert
20896 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Ngo, Jimmy
20897 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Russo, Rosario Nicholas
20898 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Yousif, Aidin
20899 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Visual Arts Hermis, Simar
20900 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Visual Arts Inzitari, Dean Robert
20901 Peak Hill Central School Peak Hill Mathematics George, David Jeremiah Joseph
20902 Peel High School Tamworth Community and Family Studies Austin, Amber-Lea
20903 Peel High School Tamworth Food Technology Austin, Amber-Lea
20904 Pendle Hill High School Wentworthville Ancient History Piotrowski, Daniel Ryan
20905 Pendle Hill High School Wentworthville English (Advanced) Piotrowski, Daniel Ryan
20906 Pendle Hill High School Wentworthville English Extension 1 Piotrowski, Daniel Ryan
20907 Pendle Hill High School Wentworthville Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Piotrowski, Daniel Ryan
20908 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Accounting Eir, Jennifer
20909 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Agriculture Finn, Jessica
20910 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Agriculture Hamilton, Sarah Nicole
20911 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Ancient History Colautti, Joanna Ross
20912 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Ancient History Don, Hilary Joy
20913 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Ancient History Wolujewicz, Jessica Barbara
20914 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Biology Hicks, Matthew Sean
20915 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Biology Zvirblis, James Mark
20916 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Chemistry Aluwihare, Thivanka Rawana
20917 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Chemistry Roberts, Kerry-Lyn
20918 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Engineering Studies Boland, Ryan Robert
20919 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills English (Advanced) Hamilton, Sarah Nicole
20920 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills English Extension 1 Hamilton, Sarah Nicole
20921 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills English Extension 2 Hamilton, Sarah Nicole
20922 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Food Technology Gamble, Andrew Robert
20923 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Food Technology Haselden, Phoebe Meg
20924 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills General Mathematics Hoyer, Erin Louise Sehested
20925 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills General Mathematics Masia, Peter Frederick
20926 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Industrial Technology Barton, Geoffrey Michael
20927 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Industrial Technology Darragh, Mitchell John
20928 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Industrial Technology Dietrich, Samuel David Jack
20929 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Industrial Technology Holliday, Benjamin Thomas
20930 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Industrial Technology Jebbink, Benjamin Nathan
20931 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Japanese Continuers Lam, Sarah Chi-Lok
20932 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Japanese Continuers Lee, Joo Mi
20933 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Korean Background Speakers Kim, Ro Young
20934 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Legal Studies Bartlett, Chloe Anne
20935 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Legal Studies McBride, Lachlan Edward
20936 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Legal Studies Rego, Adele Louise
20937 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Aluwihare, Thivanka Rawana
20938 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Boland, Ryan Robert
20939 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Haselden, Phoebe Meg
20940 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Lee, Mark Lai-Bon
20941 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Pendleton, Matthew Phillip
20942 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Zvirblis, James Mark
20943 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Extension 1 Haselden, Phoebe Meg
20944 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Extension 1 Lim, Shaun Chee-Sheng
20945 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Extension 1 Roberts, Kerry-Lyn
20946 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Mathematics Extension 1 Tai, Philip Yan-Lap
20947 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gamble, Andrew Robert
20948 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Haselden, Phoebe Meg
20949 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Heath, Celia Jacqueline
20950 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hicks, Matthew Sean
20951 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Textiles and Design Baker, Lauren Kate
20952 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Textiles and Design Fulton, Hayley
20953 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Textiles and Design Nason, Kate Verity
20954 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Textiles and Design Vieusseux, Louise Suzette
20955 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Textiles and Design Workman, Lucy May
20956 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Baker, Lauren Kate
20957 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Don, Hilary Joy
20958 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Gamble, Andrew Robert
20959 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Haselden, Phoebe Meg
20960 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Hindle, Chelsey June
20961 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Nason, Kate Verity
20962 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Rego, Adele Louise
20963 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Reid, Aneka
20964 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Roberts, Kerry-Lyn
20965 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Vieusseux, Louise Suzette
20966 Pennant Hills High School Pennant Hills Visual Arts Wolujewicz, Jessica Barbara
20967 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Ancient History Duke, Aaron Phillip
20968 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Biology Allaway, Matthew George Roy
20969 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Biology Arabadzhiyska, Petya
20970 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Chemistry Allaway, Matthew George Roy
20971 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Chemistry Arabadzhiyska, Petya
20972 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Chemistry Cramer, Michael
20973 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Chemistry Palmer, Jonathan Clive
20974 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Chemistry Syed, Omair
20975 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Earth and Environmental Science Silversides, Elizabeth Jane
20976 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills English Extension 2 Brogan, Hayley
20977 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills English Extension 2 Chambers, Travis
20978 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Food Technology Silversides, Elizabeth Jane
20979 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills French Beginners Duke, Aaron Phillip
20980 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills French Beginners Millar-Powell, Bethany Rachel Brenda
20981 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills French Beginners Wallin, Emma Louise
20982 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills French Beginners Watt, Ashleigh Jean
20983 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills General Mathematics Jackson, Benjamin Lee
20984 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills General Mathematics Nair, Leona
20985 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills General Mathematics Rau, Matthew Charles
20986 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills History Extension Duke, Aaron Phillip
20987 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills History Extension Millar-Powell, Bethany Rachel Brenda
20988 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Italian Beginners Di Rocco, Renee Inez Lucia
20989 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Legal Studies Hazer, Andrew Mark
20990 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Legal Studies Kermond, Claire Isabella
20991 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Mathematics Osborne, Lauren Heidi
20992 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Mathematics Palmer, Jonathan Clive
20993 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Modern History Osborne, Lauren Heidi
20994 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Osborne, Lauren Heidi
20995 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Textiles and Design Gianatti, Chloe-Nell
20996 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Textiles and Design Watt, Ashleigh Jean
20997 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Visual Arts Arabadzhiyska, Petya
20998 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Visual Arts Campbell, Ehlana
20999 Penrith Anglican College Orchard Hills Visual Arts Green, Fiona
21000 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Ancient History Allison, Jennifer
21001 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Ancient History Catmur, Courtney Anne
21002 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Community and Family Studies Eggers, Caitlin Ashleigh
21003 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills English (Advanced) Carroll, Eve Sophie
21004 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills History Extension Carroll, Eve Sophie
21005 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Legal Studies Allison, Jennifer
21006 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Legal Studies Catmur, Courtney Anne
21007 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Mathematics Carroll, Eve Sophie
21008 Penrith Christian School Orchard Hills Modern History Carroll, Eve Sophie
21009 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Anderson, Laura Beris Dunstan
21010 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Browne, William George
21011 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Butler, Cameron Harris
21012 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Cochrane, Shannon Maree
21013 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Doohan, Stephanie Maree
21014 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Karnik, Jai
21015 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Manlapid, Marinell
21016 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Philp, Claire Emily
21017 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Pope, Calum Michael
21018 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Runagall-McNaull, Aidan
21019 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Smith, Melissa Barbara
21020 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Tseng, Ivy
21021 Penrith High School Penrith Ancient History Watson, Kieren Gemma O'Flynn
21022 Penrith High School Penrith Biology De Silva, Ramesh Piyumal
21023 Penrith High School Penrith Biology Kang, Harkaraj Singh
21024 Penrith High School Penrith Biology Runagall-McNaull, Aidan
21025 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Alchin, Matthew Charles
21026 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Cusack, Jarrod Stephen
21027 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Devenny, Joshua James
21028 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Gadekar, Amita Nitin
21029 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Saggar, Puneet
21030 Penrith High School Penrith Business Studies Smith, Aimie Louise
21031 Penrith High School Penrith Chemistry De Silva, Ramesh Piyumal
21032 Penrith High School Penrith Chemistry Eskander, Shady
21033 Penrith High School Penrith Chemistry Gergis, Anthony John
21034 Penrith High School Penrith Chemistry Kang, Harkaraj Singh
21035 Penrith High School Penrith Chemistry Liu, Sarah Saiyu
21036 Penrith High School Penrith Community and Family Studies Hopper, Imogen Kate
21037 Penrith High School Penrith Community and Family Studies Philp, Claire Emily
21038 Penrith High School Penrith Community and Family Studies Sears, Emma Alice
21039 Penrith High School Penrith Design and Technology Runagall-McNaull, Aidan
21040 Penrith High School Penrith Design and Technology Woodberry, Mark Luke
21041 Penrith High School Penrith Drama Browne, William George
21042 Penrith High School Penrith Economics Chand, Hamish Sunjay
21043 Penrith High School Penrith Economics Gadekar, Amita Nitin
21044 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) Browne, William George
21045 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) Bryson, Stuart John
21046 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) Cochrane, Shannon Maree
21047 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) Conroy, Mark Michael
21048 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) De Silva, Ramesh Piyumal
21049 Penrith High School Penrith English (Advanced) Doohan, Stephanie Maree
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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